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the other box

the other box

where do you go when you don't entirely fit in any of the available spaces? let's talk about it.


identity is complicated. we try to divide it up and stuff it into neat little boxes, and we're still getting frustrated when it doesn't quite fit into any one of them. 


the other box aims not only to provide some relief from this demoralising process, but to celebrate the parts of us that are confusing, contradictory, or unexpected; the parts which appear at first not to belong, only to prove themselves integral to our very being.


i spend a lot of time trying to understand other people's identities, as every insight into another person's sense of self is an insight into my own. i hope this platform encourages you to do the same, and i hope you gain as much from it as i do. surely only good things can come from trying to understand each other better. 

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